The Costa Rican Humanitarian Foundation has been working towards the achievement of most of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals before they were created, since the founding of CRHF in 1997.
SDG#1 No Poverty
The Costa Rican Humanitarian Foundation works in some of the most vulnerable and lowest income communities creating lasting solutions which solve issues from the root using the poverty eradication model.
SDG #2 Zero Hunger
Through efforts like our food distribution program we are improving persons diets and simultaneously mitigating food waste problems.
SDG #3 Good Health and Wellbeing: Throughout the years we have built and staffed clinics, worked in remote areas providing improvised clinics and through home visits ensuring not only health but general well being of persons and communities we work with.
SDG #4 Quality Education: One of the main efforts of the CRHF is through education. We try to create education which not only supports traditional local education systems but that also helps persons think outside the box and have a more critical thought process through knowledge. We provide education on all levels from prenatal through entrepreneurship workshops.
SDG #5 Gender Equality: Since 1997 we have been working with woman to create a more even playing field. We have provided single women heads of household basic needs services and goods and assisted in developing of skills to help achieve independence. We have also worked with girls victims of child trafficking and other abuses. We also support LGBTI community.
SDG #6 Clean Water and Sanitation: Through our health campaigns we have also found importance in educating about general personal sanitation including living spaces and waste disposal. We have also worked on improving water supply for indigenous communities among other large scale efforts.
SDG #7 Affordable and Clean Energy: Costa Rica boasts one of the most sustainable energy production systems which include – wind, geothermal, hydroelectric and some solar electric generation. We are fortunate enough to be able to benefit from this system in the development of our day to day activities.
SDG #8 Decent Work and Economic Growth: Through education, workshops and training of local community members we have helped thousands of persons become financially independent. We have also provided seed money for hundreds of startups which include small businesses such as pizza shops, clothing stores, sodas/restaurants, retail stores and homefront businesses.
SDG #9 Industry Innovation and Infrastructure: Through our social enterprise program we provide a platform for companies to develop their social programs. Through our development model we have created infrastructure including clinics, schools, libraries and housing which helps communities improve quality of life.
SDG #10 Reduced Inequalities: Despite Costa Rica’s natural beauty, one fourth of the population lives below the poverty line. Using our spiral model of poverty eradication, we are continuously closing the inequality gap.
SDG #11 Sustainable Cities and Communities: Our work focuses on a holistic approach in the communities where we work. The end goal is for the CRHF to be able to step aside and the communities continue the upward spiral of poverty eradication through their own means with government support.
SDG #12 Responsible Consumption and Production: We have several programs which focus directly on responsible consumption and production. One example is our partnership with Cafe Britt where we repurpose their waste plastic bags through our women’s coop. We are also reducing food waste through our food program where we distribute food which is still good but past shelf life in stores.
SDG #13 Climate Action: Our latest campaign is to plant thousands of trees through volunteer efforts to try and curve the impact air travel to Costa Rica has. We have been involved in several climate action efforts and provide crucial support to indigenous populations who are on the front lines of climate action through their nature conservation efforts.
SDG #14 Life Below Water: The CRHF has developed and supported several projects including turtle conservation and river clean ups to create improved water. We work with several coastal communities to educate about the importance of marine life conservation and the impact human activity can have on it.
SDG #15 Life on Land: We support a number of wildlife rescue and conservation initiatives through enrichment efforts for rescued animals and through education campaigns about the threats wildlife faces.
SDG #16 Peace Justice and Strong Institutions: Much of our work is done to provide support to local communities where government and other institutions lack the resources necessary. We also work on providing legal advice through partnerships for a number of issues.
SDG #17 Partners for the Goals: We have partnered across private and public sector and with civil society to create cross sector collaboration to implement and ensure sustainability of thousands of projects and activities.