CRHF Tax Exempt Donations

For tax exempt purposes in the United States (501c3), please contact the director of the Foundation, Gail Nystrom directly via e-mail with the subject Tax Exempt Donations.

If you would like to make a tax exempt donation to our work, please follow the instructions below:

 ON THE MEMO LINE OF YOUR CHECK PLEASE WRITE ‘CRHF’.  Write a check to the Wells Mountain Initiative which is our partner in the United States and processes all tax exempt donations through their 5013c status.
Send the check to:
25D Main Street
Bristol ,Vermont 05443
When the WMI receives the check, they will inform us and will immediately process the check through their account and transfer the exact amount of the check to our bank account.  There will be a small fee that the bank will receive for the transaction.
We will then send you a receipt for the amount of your donation that you can use for your tax return.
Please take some time to learn about WMI through their website.  It is another great organization which we are proud to be a part of.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Thank you for your much needed help with our work to ease the situation for many people living at risk.