Cedula Juridica 3-006-204046
Apartado 458
Santa Ana Centro
Costa Rica
Tel. (506)83904192
Email: fundacionhumanitariacr@gmail.com
Annual Report 2022
As I watched the kids from the Montessori program perform a thank you dance for the Tree of life School students and teachers, I saw a completely different scene from a year ago. I remembered then, how sad, and unresponsive the kids were then. They had just spent the previous year locked up in their houses with little interaction with anyone other than their immediate families. And only their Whatsapp phone message service to stimulate them.
They sang Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer in Spanish with their deer antler hats and their bright red noses… They moved around. They made big motions and most of all, they laughed. And laughed.
This is a tribute to all the populations we have been servicing all year. A tribute to our teachers, to our sports captains, to our leaders and collaborators. I use the word “safe” because I know that we all feel safer and more comfortable and confident with each other and the Foundation. We have been through a very difficult time and have come out with flying colors. And, once again, this could not have been doe without the faithful and kind presence of our donors and friends. And due to that Light, we have all taken risks, made changes in our lives and become a more adhesive group. A few highlights of the year follow.
We continue to receive the food donation from Auto Mercado with great results. We are working with seven different Auto Mercados now and continue to provide food to 2,500 people every week. Our drivers have been provided with reliable and appropriate vehicles and they show up seven days a week Our processing team has organized itself and are able to handle all the accounting on their own with occasional oversight. The cleaning and cooking collaborators are providing good lunches to whoever may need it on the day, snacks to the children of our centers and a weekly hot lunch to the children of the Libertad section. In addition, we have given sixty basic food baskets per week over the whole year. That is 240 baskets in a month which works out to 1,440 people getting basic meals per month. And, all of this is completely economically self-sufficient being paid for by the beneficiaries small donations for their food.
We have bought five houses for single mothers’ heads of household, upgraded more than fifty homes and provided rent relief to hundreds of refugees, single mothers, elderly and parents of children with special needs. We reactivated our bunk bed project and were able to give out badly needed bunk beds near the end of the year. There is a very big demand for this program and we will be continuing with it over the coming months.
Health care and health Education
As with every year the Foundation continues to accompany people on their health and wellness journey, we have counseled people who are ill, taught them about the illness, provided massage therapy and yoga classes, natural medicines and comfort for families who have lost a loved one. What is most needed is an empathetic listening presence to accompany them as they go through their life challenges.
Our education program has flourished once again this year. We now have a completely equipped Montessori classroom with enthusiastic three to five-year-olds. In addition, we grew our education program to include many more children. All our students passed the year, and several got prizes for excellent grades. Our teachers are creative and engaged with each student I our program.